New Boudoir Photos In…

At the beginning of this month I had a boudoir shoot with Madame Boudoir. The shoot went fantastically well and I felt an instant rapport with photographer Kim Nicholls. After looking through the all images and deciding which were my favourites, today I received the […]

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Beautiful Boudoir

This weekend I had a fantastic shoot with Kim Nicholls, the talent behind Farsely, Leeds based ‘Madame Boudoir’; a fresh photography concept in helping women (and men!) love the bodies they’re in. When I came across Kim’s relatively new business arm I was excited, honestly […]

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Pin Up Mermaid

What did I tell you about the weather? It’s hard to believe it was only last Saturday that I was on the beach in my smalls (and less than smalls) when the hot spell came for one last belter. The day after it was like […]

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Indian Summer

It’s the 1st of October today and quite unseasonably we’re enjoying a bout of gorgeous warm weather – the summer we never got has descended with a vengeance despite the trees shedding their leaves and acorns. What wonderful stuff! I’m sure I’ll be wearing a […]

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Gothic shoot

It’s just past 2am on the morning of Friday and I’ve been busy this evening (now gone!) editing a little video I had made on a shoot I did today. I wanted to show you just what I get up to on my shoots and […]

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In the Press!

Yesterday one of my Facebook followers shared a link with me, asking whether it was indeed myself in one of the images on the aforementioned link’s site. I checked out the link and needless to say it is me! The shot was taken by Chris […]

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Moving on and thinking the picture

I thought it was about time I updated my friends online now that we’ve moved house and finally got somewhat settled! The boxes have been long unpacked but I’m ashamed to say there’s few pictures on the walls – not exactly a homely look. Before […]

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Staying True

It’s the end of the week, Friday the 13th at that, and once again and I’m resuming my position at my MacBook. It’s been an immense week. Historical. What started out as a positive run up to what should have been our big ‘move day’ […]

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Moving On

Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t post at all in April! So sorry to my followers, I know some of you have been wondering why it’s been so quiet on the Becky’s Boudoir front. I can assure you I have not gone off the radar […]

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