The Real [Meaningful] Christmas Advent Calendar

DISCLOSURE: AD / This post contains gifted product from THE MEANINGFUL CHOCOLATE COMPANY and affiliate link placement. All words, images & opinion expressed is my own.
Advent calendars come in all shapes and sizes these days: from beauty products to beers, marshmallows and small toys – anything’s game if it’s fits in a box. But while it’s fun to make more of something we enjoy at our favourite festive time, what if we made less of the excess (just a small part of our Christmas traditions) to give light to the true reason of the season?
To me, Christmas is what it says it is. It’s about Christ. Jesus. The Son of God. The Great I Am who was sent down to earth to live as man amongst men, born to save us all. If you’re unfamiliar with the nativity story, the advent calendar with the real meaning is probably a good place to start.
Paring it right back doesn’t mean giving up chocolate which, quite frankly, works very well for me. I grew up having a chocolate advent calendar at home. (Actually we started out sharing one between siblings but you can imagine how that panned out). So the classic, “no-frills” style chocolate calendar is actually the most festive to me. You get that thrill of a door opening and a choccy treat – what’s not to like?
The thing is, advent calendars aren’t all that Christmassy anymore. A lot of them don’t even have Santa on, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chocolate advent calendar with a nativity scene. For a Christian named festival, that’s kinda weird don’t you think?
If you’re hunting high and low for a Christian themed advent calendar for the kids, you’ve got to check out this wonderful delight.
Bridging the gap where the religious connotation was lost, is the Real Advent Calendar. Made by the same people who brought us the Real Easter Egg – The Meaningful Chocolate Company – this classic style cardboard calendar contains 25 guilt-free Fairtrade chocolates and comes with a Christmas story activity book delivering the true Christmas message.

The 2019 calendar is a beautifully designed piece to begin your Christmas celebration in style. Boasting a contemporary design in sumptuous colour, this high quality calendar depicts the humble stable scene in all its glory, its image feeling warm and inviting – surely the message of love that God was extending through sending His son.
Cracking open each perforated card door, a chocolate treat is discovered beneath a foil film, and a short verse is revealed. The first advent door introduces the biblical story, prompting participants to follow each day with their activity book to hand. And there’s a lovely chocolate to satisfy the sweet tooth, which is a small luxury that’s worth waiting for!
The activity book is just a simple saddle stitched booklet but its contents are a treasure. Each full colour page is a beautifully illustrated depiction of the nativity story, neatly packaged into short, easy to read passages, alongside snippets of Christmas trivia. It’s an invaluable addition to the calendar itself, so you wouldn’t want to misplace it.

The Real Advent Calendar is a gorgeous alternative to the standard pop culture calendars, offering a cheerful insight into the true meaning of the Christian celebration. For anyone keen to explore the “reason for the season” and experience Christmas in a new way, the Meaningful Chocolate Company’s calendar is the truest of them all.
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