YouTube, You Offend ME | An Open Letter Rant
YouTube hates me and I’m feeling wronged.

Since the end of summer I’ve been finding my way back into lingerie reviewing. Putting pen to paper (or rather finger to keyboard) has been challenging while I’ve discovered that filming myself rambling on with my thoughts has actually come easier. So I logged back into my old YouTube account — ten years since the last time I’d reviewed a bra on there — and started where I left off.
Or that’s what I thought I was doing, because no sooner have I returned to the platform, YouTube has now deleted me.
Why? Because YouTube thinks a bra review is porn.

A decade ago, I never had this problem getting banned. Maybe my videos were so grainy and low grade you couldn’t really see them. But since my return to the platform, this time filming in 4K detail, I’ve apparently been too offensive and I’ve had no end of trouble with censorship.
Just about every time I’ve uploaded, within minutes YouTube has pulled the video and struck me with a two week ban, threatening channel deletion should I continue to “violate the community guidelines”.
They’ve never given an actual reason why an upload was prohibited though, or drawn my attention to whatever part of the video they didn’t approve of. No explanation beyond the sweeping statement of the apparent policy violation. I’ve emailed for clarification, to figure out what it is that Youtube isn’t liking so I can at least learn from it and avoid next time, but I’ve had no reply. So if all YouTube is doing is shutting me down without good reasoning, how am I supposed to know exactly what I’m (in their eyes) doing wrong?

Before my channel was deleted, I only had a handful of videos, so far covering topics like wire-free bras, poor bra fittings and underwear hauls from various shops. At times there’s sheer fabric, sometimes a bum in a thong. However the lingerie looks, I’m critically focussed and fashion minded. If anything, most of the time I’m talking to myself like a complete idiot as I try to figure out how to put something on or work out an odd fitting, so if this is the definition of sexual content, I have no help.
To say I’m cross would be an understatement. Women wear bras, dammit!
But this is what really gets me. When you see other channels uploading the same, if not more prominent, visually graphic content in ‘transparent try-ons’ or other farcically veiled ‘tutorials’ like “how to shave a bikini area”, it simply feels unjust.
I’d noticed the use of disclaimers placed at the front of these videos, so I decided to try incorporating my own, editing in the extra page for the beginning of my latest (and last) review. I didn’t hold out much hope though, since according to some reddit threads it’s not a free pass; YouTube can, and do, still shut channels down with disclaimers.
I have never tried to play the system. Erring on the side of caution, I’ve marked all my content as 18+ and always check the “not made for kids” box, to protect underage viewers and enforce only registered adult participation. And I’ve tried blurring out potentially offensive areas, physically obstructing view with paper or my hands, but it’s never made a difference.

YouTube clearly doesn’t understand context — or rather their automated system doesn’t, flagging content in a black and white manner. Only until recently did they supposedly relax their views on breastfeeding content, a fight likely hindered by the kink accounts jumping on the “nursing tutorial” pretence. It’s these “I’m innocent, honest” accounts that spoil it for the genuine ones, yet for some mystery reason, Youtube are allowing the blatantly sexual content and removing the likes of me.
If it was actually possible to speak to a human at YouTube I’d ask them why they think lingerie is adult content anyway. That’s as ridiculous as saying a lingerie model in an M&S shop window is a sex worker. Lingerie doesn’t equate to porn.
If I’m talking about the aesthetics of a bra, its construction and shape, and showing how that garment fits on a real body, there is no sexual suggestion.
And I totally get and accept the need for censorship, ensuring the safety of virtual spaces where all ages of society exist. As a mum, I wouldn’t want my own child falling upon graphically inappropriate content. No different to tv regulation or movie certification, I do agree that online content should also be age appropriate with suitability/trigger warnings where necessary.

What I don’t appreciate is my vanilla content, already marked as 18+, being treated even more harshly as in the way of pornography, making it a major breach of the rules. A little bit of a see-through bra is not pornographic, it’s certainly not illegal and it’s hardly immoral.
So tell me, Youtube — why do you provide the 18+ checkbox if you don’t accept 18+ content?
Ultimately, whether I belong in the vlogging community or not will depend on YouTube’s audacious authority on what’s acceptable. Deleting my channel, YouTube isn’t just preventing me from sharing as a creator, they’re silencing the voice of womanhood. But what do I know, when the ‘powers that be’ give a good old thumbs up to a foamed up arsehole, social media really is an upside down world.
What are your thoughts on the removal of my videos? Do you think Youtube are too heavy-handed or are they just doing their job in a dangerous online world? Leave your comments below and we’ll continue the chat.
December 17, 2024 at 5:52 pmHi Becky, i used to be a subscriber of your channel, i’m sad to see what youtube has done to you, youtube is, as we know a two faces platform, very hypocritical. i would like to continue supporting you in any way, well it might be a late advise, some youtube reviewers display before the video start a disclaimer notification to avoid the youtube algorithm cancel the channel in question, regards
December 18, 2024 at 7:20 pmI salute you, Becky, and find YouTube’s decision incomprehensible. You are certainly “well equipped” to do the thing that you’re accused of, but instead you’ve kept it classy, charming and informative. Shame on YT, and I hope — for all of us — that you find a new forum for your wonderful videos.
December 19, 2024 at 3:05 pmI can’t find your account in instagram and X are they closed?! . YouTube algorithm tricky the way it works weird I face the same problem with my channel
Panty Buns
December 22, 2024 at 5:40 pmYou HAVE absolutely been wronged!
What YouTube has done to you and your YouTube channel is OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!
I have been complaining about prejudice and trolls-gone-wild at YouTube for decades,
and am sorry to say that they seem to be on the verge of allowing things to get
a lot worse – with what they did to your channel @Honestly_Becky .
What they did is shocking example of prejudice ( and a clear violation of anti-trust law .Back on 5 August of 2014 I did a blog post titled
“Thank You To Commenters, Rant On Discriminatory Social Media Censorship and YouTube Slander”.
YouTube seems to have gotten way worse since then,
giving the green light to political and religious right-wing zealot-run troll farms,
promoting racism sexist bigotry, allowing racist religious sexist trolls and bigots to act as moderators and promoting racist and sexist videos that masquerade as ‘news’.
There was only one of my videos that I designated as being for mature audiences
( it included NSFW in its title ), yet YouTube removed 2 of my videos, issuing strikes against my account, and restricted the viewing of half of the remainder.
I do have an over 18 blog – and I would LOVE to read your comments opinions and advice on my most recent post on that blog (sign-in is required, but I believe getting a new Blogger Profile is easy).
Your comments would be very, VERY welcome on any or ALL of my posts (on both blogs) and on any or all of my videos.
Please do not be shy about leaving your links and about saying whatever you want!
Best wishes for a merry Christmas and for many happy New Years to come! <3 xx
Panty Buns
December 24, 2024 at 10:46 pmIt is undeniable that you have been wronged by YouTube – blatantly, maliciously and indefensibly!
What YouTube has done to your YouTube channel and to you is OUTRAGEOUSLY tortious.
YouTube seems to have been getting way worse,
giving the green light to political and religious right-wing zealot-run troll farms,
promoting racism and sexist bigotry, allowing racist religious sexist trolls and bigots to act as moderators, and promoting racist and sexist videos, presented as if they were “news”.
YOUR YouTube videos have always been popular, and I suspect the numbers of your subscribers, number of videos, and video view counts were well above the 1,640 subscribers, 31 videos, and 383,323 views I had noted for your YouTube channel (I was subscribed) at the time they began libelling you.
Seeing that YouTube is defaming and libelling you makes me shudder contemplating what might be in store for those of us who are more out of favour with the Musk / Trump troglodyte troll-farm minions.
Best wishes for a very merry Christmas and a wonderful Year 2025!
Panty Buns
December 25, 2024 at 7:25 pmWhat YouTube has done to you and your YouTube channel is blatantly, maliciously, indefensibly and outrageously tortious.
Have you considered setting up a go fund me legal fund and suing the pants off of them?
P.S.: Merry Christmas, and all my best wishes for many happier New Years to come!
December 25, 2024 at 11:56 pmHi Becky! I’m so happy that you are getting back in bra-reviewing-business again! Youtubes behaviour is both sad and stupid, it’s crazy that they are shutting down your account because of videos of bra reviews! I guess they are trying to be up to date, but they are really ending up being like something from the middle ages!
I’m on your side!
Kind regards from Marie in Sweden!
Panty Buns
December 27, 2024 at 7:17 pmThe complete removal of your YouTube channel
is misogynistic to a degree that is beyond flabbergasting, beyond shocking, beyond Orwellian, and beyond Machiavellian. It is hateful to an extent that is criminal.
I would think that their selective censorship violates anti-trust laws, and that there must be barristers-at-law who would be chomping at the bit to sue YouTube, Google and its parent company Alphabet for their high-handed hateful and libellous actions.
Best wishes for a much better and happier year 2025!
December 27, 2024 at 7:38 pmHi Becky! Everything you say is correct. Unfortunately, YouTube is capricious in its enforcement of its rules. Rumble may be a better fit for you, though to be honest, I don’t know how they would handle the content you make.
December 30, 2024 at 10:59 pmHey Becky,
As a new young mother, I really enjoyed your videos. They gave me inspiration to try new things and I’m very sad to see that YouTube has decided to remove your videos. Have you thought about putting your videos on another platform that wouldn’t try to censor you?
December 31, 2024 at 12:02 pmHi Becky, it is very harsh decision by youtube specially when there are channels that exploit breastfeeding and other topics. i dont know where will you post next, but will wait for update.
Panty Buns
December 31, 2024 at 8:28 pmWhat YouTube did to you is inexcusable,
and their excluding you from search results makes it much worse.
You are a beautiful, thoughtful, and fabulous person,
an accomplished model, and brilliant blogger.
Wishing you all the best in Year 2025 and beyond,
and hoping they are very happy ones!
January 2, 2025 at 6:53 pmWhat a load of rubbish! I loved your videos on youtube! Please post when you figure out where you’re going next!
January 7, 2025 at 8:15 pmBecky – I was very sorry to see your videos disappear. It’s an unjust decision that’s bewildering in view of what sometimes doesn’t get taken down. But although I believe YT were entirely in the wrong, I became worried that you’re channel was at risk, partly because the comments were becoming dominated by men, and some of the less tasteful remarks could have given the impression that and increasing number felt it offered adult’-type material. If you had had an editor and I had the job, I would have urged caution by cutting (e.g.) occasional brief manual ‘adjustments’ that you made inside bras, and shots of thongs. I’m not saying these shots were offensive, and I’m not certain if such edits would have helped, but they might have helped reduce the risk of your videos being considered ‘adult’. I didn’t see your opening caption(s) on the latest ones, but these may not have helped, as such ‘warnings’ commonly seem to accompany the most dubious and revealing videos that clearly aim to be arousing!