New Changes

October 9, 2012

You may have noticed the blog’s changed since you last visited.  I very much hope it’s easier on the eye and a lot easier to navigate to posts that interest you.  I was concerned the last blog design began to look a bit messy and possibly difficult to find posts.  Do let me know if there’s anything you do or don’t particularly like about the change.

I’ve added a bar along the top to make certain pages quicker to locate such as my contact details and a bit of info about me and this blog.  There’s also a disclaimer which I’ve sometimes been asked to provide but it’s not really anything to worry about.  It’s more for the purpose of protecting companies’ backs when I talk about them on here.

Hopefully I won’t be playing around too much with the blog now but advance apologies if I send you loopy with my adding and moving bits and pieces about whilst you’re trying to read!

I really appreciate your continued support with my blog and with the new design I hope the blog will continue to move onwards and upwards with better things for your benefit.  I hope you like it.  šŸ™‚

Becky x

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