My Tresemme Prize | With Matthew Curtis Hair

December 1, 2013

This week I finally cashed in on my recent amazing win with Tresemme, which was a competition running alongside Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model.  I found out I was the winner of the grand prize about a month ago when at first I couldn’t quite believe the news, thinking it must have been some spam email trying to catch me out.  Needless to say, the email was genuine and my prize entailed being whisked down to Birmingham for a hair makeover with top industry, lead BINTM’s stylist, Matthew Curtis, and £450 to spend in Selfridges.  A pretty awesome prize, you might agree!

I’d asked if I could accept my prize sometime in November or December, and Matthew Curtis was able to slot me in on the 28th November which was perfect.  The rest of the prize planning didn’t run quite as smoothly.  My other half and mine’s train tickets arrived two days before the big day but the Selfridges vouchers weren’t in the pack.  After speaking with the PR agency dealing on behalf of Tresemme I was informed the vouchers would be sent by courier to arrive the following day, but they didn’t show up.  It was the eve of my big trip and I didn’t have the vouchers for my shopping spree.  I was absolutely gutted.  The girls in the office promised to sort it out in the morning so it was left at that.

Thursday arrived which saw a wake up at 5:30am as we had a 7 o’clock train to catch from Darlington.  The journey was a pretty hot and cramped 3 hours; our tickets were booked in regular coach (no first class, boo!) and they weren’t reserved seats either so we spent the entire trip worrying someone would heave us out of their seats (like some total gentleman did with the older lady sat in front of us.  What a guy.)  To while away the time I listened to Katy Perry’s Roar and Gareth Malone’s Voices on my ipod, read Grazia and snacked on marshmallows and grapes.  

This was the first leg of the journey but the train had arrived late which meant we had to run to the next station once we landed in Birmingham, so we wouldn’t miss the 40 minute train on to Stratford Upon Avon where Matthew Curtis Hair is based.  Thankfully it all worked out, we made the train in time and were met by our awaiting driver at half eleven to take us on to the salon.

Stratford’s such a pretty place, I’d never been before and wished we could have stayed a while to have a proper look around.  Matthew’s salon was quaint and modern looking, with a traditionally window paned frontage that looked smartly in keeping with the town’s heritage.  Stepping instead instantly felt welcoming and friendly, Sean and I both greeted by chatty stylists, including Matthew himself who was cutting a lady’s hair.  Our coats taken and glasses of bubbly in hand, we were led downstairs to the basement where further salon chairs sat before 19th century France inspired flamboyant gilded mirrors.  They were insanely grande and absolutely beautiful.

Colourist Amy and I discussed what would suit me, taking into consideration my skin tone, dark eyes and hair which would affect the colour that would look right and also fit in with my lifestyle.  Matthew came over to chat about what I fancied having done with my hair, which I was pretty much happy to leave to him, as long as I didn’t have all my hair chopped off!  (Been there, done that with the short hair and I hated it.)  I mentioned how I’ve long admired the pink hair look a la Katy Perry and Charlotte Free, but I wouldn’t have suited it – nor would I have been up to all the up keep.  High maintenance I am not.

I had a dark brown with warm tones applied throughout my hair with deep sections of the ends bleached (or colour removed, I’m not 100% sure).  When this was all washed out a shade of copper red was painted onto the lightened ends, with a second application after that of a deeper shade to increase the intensity.  I felt like I’d be doing the ‘crab’ when I finally got up from the sink where I’d be laying back over.  The cups of coffee were very much appreciated whilst I sat patiently waiting for the colours to develop.

It was now time for Matthew to take over and transform my Hagrid hair.  Whilst it wasn’t in it’s worst state, it was funny to watch Matt work his way through the masses of hair I possess (it does take a fair while to dry and I can’t myself tame it with a proper blowdry.)


It was nice having my hair done because it just felt so relaxed and informal.  This is a guy who works with amazing models and celebrities all the time yet it was like chatting to an old friend.  He’s a bit of a dude!

It was interesting watching Matt style and cut my hair because the passion was clear, this guy really knows hair, physically moulding and morphing it into his vision.  My hair, straightened and curled, jujjed up into a glamorous poof of flouncy waves with flaming tips looked amazingly sexy.  Would I not be arrested for walking round Selfridges with hair this fabulous?!  (Okay, that’s way too cheesy, but it was incredibly awesome.)

I couldn’t leave the salon without snaffling a few pictures first, so Sean took some shots of me with Matt and Amy.  I wish I hadn’t worn my red jumper (well I did say I’d got dressed in the dark that morning…) because you can’t see the red hair so well, but never mind.

Regarding my Selfridges vouchers, Matt got onto the PR agency himself to sort it out for me, adamant he wouldn’t have me leaving without the money to spend.  Thankfully he got it arranged that the vouchers would be to pick up from a lady in Selfridges, but I’ll leave that fiasco for my next post…!


So, what you do think of my new colourful look?  🙂

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1 Comment

  1. Panty Buns

    December 2, 2013 at 5:02 am

    £450 to spend in Selfridges was a nice prize. Im glad it turned out that it wasn’t spammers trying to catch you out. I think Katy Perry’s pink hair was a wig but think you would would look stunning sporting purplish blue ombre hair like Katy Perry in Wide Awake. Matt did a brilliant job styling your hair. – It came out looking beautiful. I like the combination of highlighted brown with flaming red tips. Your new colourful look is beautiful.

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